About Me

I’m a health enthusiast and public health advocate. Family Support America was created out of a passion for researching health-related topics and delivering the truth to anyone who exercises intellectual curiosity. I’ve always been a “truth seeker”. I started my career out of college as a Risk Analyst for a major bank on Wall Street. Ensuring we were legally covered by using vague and manipulative language was part of my job. After a Hashimoto’s diagnosis, I began to shift my focus on health. What I found was shocking. A lot of the same tactics the big banks employ are used by medical professionals. They have a heavy CYA policy while subjecting patients to protocols that have little to no safety data and ignoring well-founded natural alternatives all for a buck. Needless to say, I quit my job and shifted my focus. Now, it’s my full-time job to watch my little girl and do my best to deliver the truth about obtaining safe and effective healing and strong foundational health to you.

Cheers to all my truth-seekers out there!